Blessing of George Hind, Setting Him Apart for his Mission to Great Britain

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 Blessing of Elder George Hind By Apostles Brigham (mouth), Heber J. Grant, John W. Taylor and Abraham H. Cannon, setting him apart for his mission to Great Britain, 8 April 1895

Brother George Hind, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and in the authority of the Holy Priesthood, which we hold, we lay our hands upon your head and set you apart to perform a mission.

And we pray our Father and our God that He will listen to your prayers and supplications, and be with you by his holy spirit and let his angels be with you, that He will guard you and preserve you wherever you may journey and travel in the discharge of you duty as a Missionary unto that nation, and wherever you may be sent, that your life may be spared, and you may be the special charge of the Lord in performing this mission unto them that sit in darkness.

O Lord, will Thou bless him abundantly upon the land and upon the sea and give unto him of the holy spirit to guide him in all that he shall say and do and that he may be filled therewith, and that the power of the Holy Spirit may be manifest in his words, and that he may have power to preach the Gospel of repentance unto the people and that he may have power over the elements, that nothing may occur to hurt him, and wilt thou raise up friends unto him, and strengthen him in the labor now assigned unto him and go with him to the field of his labor and be with him in the field unto which he shall be appointed by thy servants to labor. Bless him abundantly in his labors among the people. Give thy servant health and strength, and power to resist evil and temptation, and we say unto you, dear brother, if you are diligent and seek to magnify the Priesthood that you have received at the hands of your brethren through the administration by the servants of the Lord, you shall be blessed abundantly. Nothing shall be withheld from you that will be for your good and benefit, and to aid you in the discharge of your duty. So, friends shall be raised up unto you and they shall feed you and clothe you. You shall be blessed abundantly in your labors, and have great joy and satisfaction in the labor that are now present[ed] unto you and imposed upon you.

We pray thee, O Lord, that thou wilt grant that thy servant may be blessed in his home, that his family may be blessed in his absence. That they may be preserved all his friends and relatives and that he may have cheering words from his home in his labors to cheer him onward and to strengthen him in the cause in which he is engaged.

We seal upon you the blessing of life, and health and peace and say unto you go in peace and return in safety. The Lord will give his angels charge concerning you, that you shall not be overcome nor destroyed nor injured, if you are faithful unto the Lord, for He shall preserve you, for you are going forth as a messenger of the Lord Jesus to those who know not the Lord, and [we] pray the Lord to bless you to this end and we seal all your former blessings and washings and endowments upon you in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and in the authority of the Holy Priesthood, even so, Amen.


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